Words to live by.....

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. ~ Hebrews 11:1

Bear ye one another's burdens......

1.Danny & I, for a healthy pregnancy & baby 2.Todd & Stacie Bostic 3.Trevor Glover, stomach issues: 9yr old 4.Andrew Smith, heart & lung issues: 6yr old 5.Kaye Rose, my mother, personal 6.Trisha Rose, my sister, relationship w/the Lord *If you have a prayer request that you would like added please message me on facebook*

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Who's Opinion Really Matters Anyway?

There are only 2 opinions that matter. Mine & God's! And in the end, my opinion don't even really matter, now does it?

Today's sermons were awesome. Our preacher is on a roll!!! For the past couple of weeks he has really hit the nail on the head with the "issues" going on in my life. Tonight's sermon was titled "Church Yourself". What a title.... humm... Church Yourself. I mean, he was speaking RIGHT AT ME!!! & boy, did I need to hear it.

I really am learning that God's opinion is the ONLY opinion that matters!!! It's really kinda hard to humble yourself to the point to were you just don't care what others are saying about you. & that's another thing.....

Learning to be humble is probably one of the toughest lessons I have EVER had to learn! BUT, also one of the BEST & most rewarding at the same time. Thank you Jesus, for taking me down that path & teaching me to humble myself before you, that YOU may be exalted!


Today was a very special day.... My mother has been struggling with her salvation for a few months now. I truly believe that she is/was saved before today, however, she has been mislead in MANY different ways. You see, I grew up in church. My Daddy was a deacon in the church & my parents where best friends with the preacher & his wife. We have always been taught about the Lord, Jesus Christ. However, life happened, we moved, my parents got a divorce & we feel out of church. As the years past, I know that God was always there, IF we called on Him! About 3/4 years ago, I had the privilege to have my Mother become a member of Liberty (the church we go to). Somewhere, somehow, she lost her J~O~Y! I have watched her go from spunky & energetic to depressed & worn-out.... It's not fun watching this happen to your Mama! This morning, tho, was a life changing moment for her.... During the invitation she asked one of the ladies to pray with her. After singing the invitational song for 10mins it REALLY HIT ME!!!! Today is the day.... all I could do was pray for confirmation for her.... either to reassure her of her salvation or for salvation.... either way tho, Please, Jesus, take this burden off of her & give her confirmation! After my silent prayer, I realized the preacher was now praying with her & GOD HAD ALREADY ANSWERED MY PRAYER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Mother now knows, WITHOUT A SHADOW OF A DOUBT.....






Stacie Gail said...

It was a great day and I'm so glad I was there to be a part of it all. Your mom is a special lady and has a heart as big as Texas. the messages today were both piercing and refreshing! Isn't if awesome to be a part of something so special...

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