Words to live by.....

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. ~ Hebrews 11:1

Bear ye one another's burdens......

1.Danny & I, for a healthy pregnancy & baby 2.Todd & Stacie Bostic 3.Trevor Glover, stomach issues: 9yr old 4.Andrew Smith, heart & lung issues: 6yr old 5.Kaye Rose, my mother, personal 6.Trisha Rose, my sister, relationship w/the Lord *If you have a prayer request that you would like added please message me on facebook*

Monday, November 9, 2009

Praying for America

Do you pray for America?

We really need to. America was founded on Biblical principles.... but it seems now, we have just LOST our way! The 10 Commandments are being taken out of government buildings, we can't pray in school, & even the "In God We Trust" is being "hidden" on our money.... WHAT NEXT? I mean, seriously.... Come on people... WE HAVE TO WAKE UP!!!!! Our children are the future & if we don't do something about it.... what is the future gonna look like????

Tonight there was a Prayer service to Pray for Our Nation. It was very touching! I am so proud to be an American! We live in a nation that does NOT tell me who, where, when, why & how to worship.... I can worship in my car, in the church building or even in Wal-Mart, if I so choose to.... & according to the Constitution of the United States of America, the government can't to a thing about it!!!! I like that..... I hear all kinds of different information about judges ruling against the 10 commandment, trying to take "God" out of the pledge of allegiance, & even trying to put people in jail for praying to Jesus.... It's a bunch of junk!!!! According to the 1st amendment, it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL for any of this to happen!

What happened to Freedom of Speech? Separation of Church & State? or even America being a Free Nation? I JUST DON'T GET IT.

So, I ask each & everyone of you.... PLEASE join with many others across our great nation & PRAY!!!! That is our ONLY hope. We need to pray for America, our President, all the leaders in Washington & even our State Representatives. They all deserve our prayers!

Thank you all that support America as a Godly Nation!


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