I am inspired by MANY things in my life.... At this moment tho there are 2 things that inspire me the most.
#1 The Bible: Of course the Bible is VERY inspiring... IF you read it! I love the daily devotionals that I have. Alpha & Omega Productions (the company I get Hunter's Homeschooling from) sends me a devotional every morning. I so look forward to reading it! What a way to start the day off.... in God's word! Hunter & I also have a devotional we read together every morning before we go to "school". Not only am I excited about the devotional God chose to give me each day, to pertain to the things I am going through in my life, I am just as excited to read the devotionals that Hunter & I get together to help us as a Mom & Son! What a way to learn and grow together....
#2 My very dear friend, Stacy: Now, as she reads this, she will probably say "Whatever". However, in the last several months we have really gotten close & to see what she goes through on a daily basis, and the determination that she has every day.... well, that's enough to be inspiring. I won't go into details on her story... you can follow her blog at
but I will say that she is on the commitment kick of blogging for 90 days. WOW!!!!! The BUSY life she lives already as a Wife, Mom, Boss, Sunday School Teacher & Child of God..... on top of it all she is now a BLOGGER! :-)
I look at her & think about ALL she has on her plate.... I am SO NOT NEAR as busy as she is. Yet, she still finds time in her busy schedule to be a Wife, a Mom, a Child of God, a Sunday School Teacher, a Boss, a Friend, a Sister, a Shoulder to Cry on, an INSPIRATION!!!!!!
I say to Stacy.... WELL DONE! I am so proud of you & what you are allowing God to mold you into. I want what you have.... I want to get motivated.... I want to be an Inspiration.
I am committing to 30 days.... Yes, JUST 30. We will see where the Good Lord leads me after that. I will start my 30 day blogging on Nov.1. I am looking forward to the road Jesus is gonna take me down. So excited but scary at the same time. However.... "For God hath NOT given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." ~ 2Timothy 1:17
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